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Weather Stations

Monthly History - 2020 Degree days for Tulsa OK

Heating and cooling degree days are indicators of how much energy a typical household or building will use for space heating or cooling. The more heating degree days you have, the more energy it will take to heat the inside of the home or building. The more cooling degree days you have, the more energy it will take to cool the inside of the home or building.

Month Heating Cooling
January 689 0
February 644 0
March 264 35
April 201 40
May 60 126
June 0 488
July 0 579
August 0 456
September 9 227
October 241 76
November 316 16
December 693 0
Totals: 3117 2043

To download the data to your system, choose "save as" from your browser, creating a file on one of your own drives (be sure to name it with an "HTM" extension). Using Microsoft Excel, you can open your HTM file as a spreadsheet, delete any rows or columns you do not need, and perform further manipulations of the data.

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